By and large, when it comes to learning and the skills that set apart a learner as an intelligent one is their listening skills and ability which as such points to the fact that this is such an important skill for any child or learner. As a result of this, it goes as a fact that for you a parent whose child happens to be such a great listener, they will be such that will be well set for success in life all as a result of these incredible listening abilities.
Sadly, many parents don’t quite pay as much attention to their children’s listening skills through NotesEdu and would rather dedicate more to their writing skills. By and large, both of these skills, listening and writing skills, are both important for their success and excellence. Bear in mind the fact that studies have actually proved the fact that learners are more likely to remember more of what it is that they hear from their professors as compared to what it is that they can read or may have read from books and learning materials.
As a matter of fact, it is to be noted that listening skills play such a great part in one’s life, not only in class or school life but all through life. Thus, in the event that one so happens to be poor in listening, it will have a kind of ripple effect in their learning in which case they will turn out to be equally lousy learners. You will notice the fact that bad listeners will often be struggling in life all as a result of the fact that they will not be having the skills desirable for them to learn effectively and as such move forward.
Actually, these facts tell of the reason as to why it is so advisable for you as a parent to make sure that you have put in place such measures that will help you improve the listening abilities of your child. For your information, there are some serious problems that do follow in the event that your child happens to be having such terrible listening skills and some of these include, phonological awareness, socialization problems, trouble reading, language development to mention but a few. You may also check and gather more ideas at
One of the most effective strategies to help you improve your child’s listening skills is through listening comprehension. Generally, for the sake of information, when we talk of listening comprehension for the uninitiated, this is simply that way of helping improve one’s listening by helping them better understand those sounds that will be getting to the brain via the ears. Read on to learn more.